Robotic Surgery
For urology and prostate cancer
Surgical Bliss offers Robotic Surgery with some of the best specialists in South Africa.
What do we use a ROBOT for?
Robotic Surgery has been taken to the next level in SA in Cape Town ,
With Robotic surgery patients experience minimal scarring, and generally have a very quick recovery time. There is generally less pain, less risk of blood loss and a largely reduced risk of infection.
Robotic prostatectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed for the treatment of prostate cancer. The surgery is performed with the use of a robotic surgical system that is designed to complete procedures with an extremely high level of precision. During the procedure, your surgeon will make tiny incisions at the site of surgery, through which small surgical instruments are inserted. Tiny surgical tools, as well as a high-definition camera, are mounted onto the machine’s robotic arms.
Robotic prostatectomy is the international gold standard treatment for intermediate and high risk prostate cancer. Robotic surgery has shown excellent cure rates and improved urinary continence and improved erectile function recovery compared to open and laparoscopic surgery.
What is robotic pyeloplasty?
Robotic pyeloplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed to treat a ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJ).
What is robotic partial nephrectomy?
Robotic partial nephrectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed for the treatment of kidney cancer and tumours, as well as renal cell carcinoma. During the procedure the cancerous tumour on the kidney is removed. Because the procedure is performed with an extremely high level of precision, the surrounding healthy tissue is left unharmed, allowing the kidney to function properly after the surgery.
Robotic or laparoscopic partial nephrectomy is the gold standard across the world for the management of kidney cancer. If this is not technically feasible, a laparoscopic total nephrectomy should be performed. Traditional open surgery for kidney cancer should never be recommended as the first choice and you should be referred to a laparoscopic or robotic urological surgeon.