Sonia, Angola, 2015
From the first contact we made with Denise up to today, we can say that all went smoothly and perfect. They are definitely a medical service provider that we highly recommend.
The whole process was carried out in a professional way, but most of all, in a friendly and supportive way, because they clearly acknowledge how sensitive the issues around aesthetic surgeries are.
From the first step of getting different Doctor and hotel quotations, all done via email and skype conversations, up to the decision of what Doctor to choose, Denise's facilitation was impressive. Then
came their warm reception, so important for people coming from overseas. They drove to the consultations, visited us at the clinic, took us to the post-operative nursing guest house. These are just some of the services they can provide.
Well, dear friend Denise, it was really a decision I do not regret at all, thanks to your good service, professionalism and to the lovely person you are.